24 June 2007

Cheers! from England

Hello to all my family and friends!

I've started my European adventure over here in jolly old England. I was greeted by lots of rain. :)

It was a bit of an adventure finding my way from London Heathrow over to Winchester to meet my friend Karen. Everything ran late, so I missed many of my connections by bus and train. When I finally got to Winchester, the TI (tourist information office) was closed, so I just had to start hoofing it and ask people along the way to point me toward the cathedral. I knew the pub I was meeting Karen in was nearby on some sidestreet. Finally after ducking into another pub when a downpour started, a nice man took me right to the "Slug and Lettuce." I learned while we walked that he had grown up in Colorado Springs!

That night Karen and Eric took her parents (They were finishing up their trip there.) and me to their favorite local pub where I had lamb shank. Then I got to use Karen's "wellies" (rubber boots) to walk home through the fields as mist was rolling across. It was very country and picturesque to see as well as stepping on the horizontal planks to cross over the tops of the fences.

The next day Karen, Eric, and I drove up to see Stonhenge and Avebury. Stonehenge was impressive. I just got out and took my picture through the fence as you couldn't really get closer. Avebury had a much larger circle of the stones set in a field full of sheep that you could walk through and even touch. There was also a large man made hill out in the middle of the field, and a long barrow of burial chambers that you could go into underground. It was a fascinating look at some of the oldest historical objects in the UK.

Today, Karen and I drove into Winchester (Eric was sick) and went to Winchester Cathedral for church. It was very "high church" with the organ and an excellent men/boys choir. It was fairly liturgical, but very beautiful. Communion was a little different as we had to walk to the front of the church and kneel while they came by with the bread and the cup to give you (everyone uses the same cup).

Then Karen and I went to have afternoon tea at the Rhinefield House which was beautiful. It was a gorgeous old place that reminded me of the old English aristocracy with the fish pond and gardens. Finally, I was able to visit the office where Karen and Eric work. Eric designs yachts and Karen does a plethora of different things around the office to help keep things running smoothly. The best parts, of course, have simply been spending time with Karen and getting to see her world. What a blessing it is to be able to better understand her life and how I can best support her and pray for her and Eric as they live over here in England. I couldn't have asked for a better beginning to my trip.


Alice Robbins said...

I SO want to be there with you two!!!

Love Alice

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile,"some of us" are STILL, ahem, TEACHING. June 27th is our last day!

I am jealous beyond words.

Have a blast, you two!

Keep the great updates and photos coming.

Psalm 139: 9-10

Aunt Ellyn